Sunday, June 21, 2020

World Issues Assignment Condom Access in Schools - 1100 Words

World Issues Assignment: Condom Access in Schools (Article Sample) Content: Joseph NyoroBrilliantwritings.comWorld Issues24th Aug. 2016Outline * Condom Access in Schools * Introduction * Pros * Cons * Critical Analysis * ConclusionCondom Access in schoolsIntroductionThe spread and prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers and adolescents is on the increase and this has forced the relevant authorities to take immediate, measures to curb the menace. School going children have become an easy prey to the spread of sexually transmitted infections due to their susceptibility, ignorance and other factors. Among some of the newest approaches to managing this menace include introducing a comprehensive sexual education and condom access in schools (Biasiolli, Vaughn, Brown, and Scott 367). This paper examines the pros and cons and critical analysis of condom access in schools and the implications on the prevalence and spread of sexually transmitted infections among adolescents.Background and the Pros of Condom Acces s in SchoolsThe issue of introducing condoms in schools and encouraging sexually active adolescents to use them was a controversial debate and most parents, religious leaders and human rights activists expressed disapproval of this practice. However, a few years down the line all the critics have come to realize the effectiveness of this approach in managing the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Andrea Huneeus, Julianna Deardorff, Maureen Lahiff, and Sylvia Guendelman argued that in Chile condom access in public and private primary schools had significant impacts on reducing the rates of new infections and controlling the spread of these diseases (Huneeus, Deardorff, Lahiff, and Guendelman 206). Adolescents in urban areas have easy access to condoms compared to those in rural areas and this helps to reduce the spread of these infections in urban areas. Most public schools are somehow reserved when it comes to accessing condoms and this means that their students are less lik ely to use them. Today, countries that allow condom access in schools record tremendous achievements in controlling the spread of these infections. Students learn how to use condoms, are motivated to use them and understand the dangers of unprotected sex when condom access is allowed in their schools. Therefore, this practice reduces the risk of contacting sexually transmitted diseases, empowers adolescents with the relevant knowledge regarding STIs and motivates them to use protection if they cannot avoid having sex.ConsCondom access in schools is a precursor to the dangers that teenagers and adolescents expose themselves to at early ages in life. Giving students condoms, particularly in schools exposes them to risky sexual behaviors that contribute to the spread and high prevalence of sexually transmitted infections. April Biasiolli, Mercedes Vaughn, Christopher Brown, and Anthony A. Scott argued that condoms are highly effective in reducing the risks of contacting and spreading s exually transmitted infections (Biasiolli, Vaughn, Brown, and Scott 367). However, this comes with other conditions like the proper and frequency of using condoms. It is evident that sexually transmitted diseases like AIDs are not transmitted only by sex but contact of other body fluids like blood. Proper use of condoms is also another issue that determines its success in controlling the spread of sexually transmitted infections (Hannah Devineƃ‚ Wright, Onya, Ramatsea, Themane, and Aar 679). Critics of this approach argue that exposing adolescents to condoms motivates them to what to have sex at an early age. In addition, this also motivates them to want to have intercourse without condoms just for curiosity purposes. Therefore, condom access in schools is not the only solution to controlling the prevalence of these infections. Moreover, it increases the prevalence of risky sexual activities among adolescents and this exposes them to more dangers of contacting the infections.Critic al AnalysisThe world should take all the necessary steps to combat the spread and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections. Introducing and making condoms accessible to students is neither the best nor the only option available; however, it helps reduce the risk of transmission of these infections. The history of the success of condoms is well documented and there is evidence to...

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